Poziv na radionicu kluba za zapošljavanje
Na prošlom ciklusu edukacija mladih, nezaposleni su imali priliku izravno se susresti s budućim potencijalnim poslodavcima koji surađuju s Klubom za zapošljavanje te im predstaviti sebe i svoje želje i ambicije vezane za posao. Nastavak priče je njihovo predstavljanje u najboljem mogućem svjetlu, kroz pisanje životopisa i prijave za posao.
Vjerojatno već imate svoj plan odnosno poslovnu ambiciju za određeno radno mjesto kod navedenih poslodavaca pa je potrebno samo „dotjerati“ formalnu prijavu životopis.
Potrebno je pripremiti se za ovu vrstu edukacije tako što ćete donijeti vlastite životopise i prijave pa ćemo ih u ugodnom i profesionalnom okruženju dopuniti i po potrebi prepraviti.
Ako ste početnik u prijavama za posao, ponesite samo dobru volju i motivaciju a treneri Kluba za zapošljavanje će Vam pomoći u kreiranju životopisa i prijave.
Predviđeni datum i mjesto održavanja druge radionice u Vrgorcu u sklopu projekta „JobclubsAdrion – Uđi i TI u svijet rada“, čiji je nositelj Lokalna akcijska grupa ADRIONje 27.01.2020.u 10:00 sati u Polivalentnoj dvorani.
Then there's the Baby-led Weaning Cookbook, which will help you get started with cooking for a family. Situated a short distance from the center, in summer it is an excellent starting point for wonderful excursions. DF2LA1W this one works, but you have to fly sat or something. Movie 43 is not for the easily-offended and contains jaw-dropping, sometimes shockingly disturbing, but always entertaining intertwined storylines you'll have to see to believe. The composition of demonic armies is not constant: it evolves in response for new threats. On our website you can find an overview of vacancies as Receptionist in Hamburg. Jaffe said that they did not want to include the Roman numeral number two II in the title for this reason, but they did not want the title to convey the impression it was an expansion pack. End of life onshore wind farms must be 're-powered', finds report Energy Voice - 27 Mar. The role of leptin in the control of bone formation is indirectly associated with the activity of hypothalamic neurons. PURPOSE: A crankshaft for a compressor and a manufacturing method thereof are provided to couple a body part and an eccentric axial part by simple coupling work such as caulking, thereby removing roughing, semi-roughing and drilling in post-processing. In this episode of Evangelysm, I talk about the changes to Challenge Mode dungeons and the spells that are being removed from Discipline priests in Legion. Tamil Nadu is divided in to four major divisions as per the ancient Tamil kings namely Pallava Nadu division, Chera Nadu division, Chola Nadu division and Pandya Nadu division and the four divisions are further subdivided into 37 districts, which are listed below. But a lot of the time, it doesn't take especially when it comes to the Winchesters. We happened to be in Rome during the Festival of Unification which was an added treat. Its name in originates not only for its position as the easternmost of the city's rail termini, but for its original role as a terminus of the lines from eastern Hungary including Transylvania, and the Balkans.