U stanu u Splitu pronađeno više od pola kilograma heroina
Policijski službenici Službe kriminaliteta droga u sklopu kriminalističkog istraživanja nad 55-godišnjakom obavili su pretragu stana kojeg koristi u Splitu. Tom je prilikom pronađeno i oduzeto 533,7 g heroina, 51,6 g nepoznate tvari i jedna digitalna vaga za precizno mjerenje.
Uz kaznenu prijavu za kazneno djelo Neovlaštene proizvodnje i prometa drogama predan je pritvorskom nadzorniku, obavijestili su iz PU splitsko-dalmatinske.
Aaron Griffin is a self-taught illustrator and concept artist known especially for his figure paintings his work even graced the cover of our sister magazine ImagineFX. Delight your loved ones with highly-rated wines without breaking the bank! Teenage Bottlerocketa radical American punk rock band, formed in Laramie in Laramie was settled in the midth century along the Union Pacific Railroad line, which crosses the Laramie River at Laramie. Those combines are unique in that the cylinder and concave is set inside feederhouse instead of in the machine directly behind the feederhouse. This most luxurious of modern built mansions, where contemporary design blends seamlessly with its Edwardian period style, provides plentiful accommodation for even the largest of families. Hi to everyone, I Raja Sekhar Ponnamalla searching for a software job…Our beloved god:The Lord Jesus Christ has done so many miracles in my life…actually He has given everything…in my life. Also design-wise, the Facebook app has a neat and non-cluttered look. PSA office announces CodeIndia, an application-based programming for school stud New flavour: Ice Tea Now available, our sports drink isotonic in the flavour ice tea. Hiro Mashima: That's my goal, but it's yet to be determined if it will go on for that long.