Visoka pobjeda Splita u Zagrebu

Nakon slavlja protiv Heliosa u Domžalama u Drugoj ABA ligi, u samo 24 sata košarkaši Splita ostvarili su i drugu pobjedu svladavši u Zagrebu Hermes Analiticu u sklopu 21. kola HT Premijer rezultatom 106:67 (27:14, 28:10, 31:27, 20:16).
Prvo poluvrijeme obilježio je fantastični šut Splićana za 3 poena (11 od 16 pokušaja), a naročito nepogrešivi Maj Kovačevič (6 od 6). utakmica je bila i riješena već nakon 15 minuta kada je Split otišao na 20 poena prednosti. U drugom dijelu trener gostiju Skelin značajne minute dao je i mladima Rebiću i Runjiću koji su svoju priliku dobro iskoristili.
Kod domaćih najbolji je bio Kordić s 30 poena, od čega čak 8 trica iz 11 pokušaja. Kod gostiju Kovačevič 20, Morris 17, a mladi Vrgoč je uhvatio 11 skokova.
Čestitam gostima na zasluženoj pobjedi. Split je u ovom trenutku nekoliko razina iznad nas. Bez ozlijeđenog centra Rajiča izgubili smo mogućnost pariranja u skoku, ali i igre po dubini. Nadam se kako ćemo u sljedećem kolu u Sinju biti kompletni i pružiti bolju igru- kazao je trener domaćina Zvonimir Mravak, dok je trener Splita Ivica Skelin bio zadovoljan izvedbom svojim igrača.
-Mi smo vrlo ozbiljno ušli u utakmicu jer znamo da Hermes može biti vrlo neugodan ako uhvati svoj ritam igre i šutiranja. Čestitam momcima na pobjedi i zalaganju- istaknuo je Skelin.
Paul Dundas notes that Mahavira asserted the existence of unseen microbiological creatures living in earth, water and fire. From the nearest airport, you can get to Santa Clara Marriott by: Car 18 minutes. Within a staff totalling over is a dedicated sales team servicing upwards of telephone, fax and online enquiries received every day from the UK and the rest of the world. Tulle wedding bows can also be added to the ends of each pew or chair, with or without flowers or candles. If an element is placed partially on an artboard, then, only the portion of the element on the artboard is exported. Lifting against gravity performs mechanical work on the object and stores gravitational potential energy in the object. Check out Blablacar's carpooling service for rideshare options between İzmir and Bodrum. Gage An instrument or device for measuring, indicating or comparing a physical characteristic. Testicles testes — The testes are oval organs about the size of very large olives that lie in the scrotum, secured at either end by a structure called the spermatic cord. You can tell that Moore is having the time of her life being Gloria. In two-way factorial ANOVA, the interaction plots are very useful for interpreting interaction effects. The cause of death in mice that died during exposure to CS could not be determined. And of course guys like Sleestack would put my MA's in the toilet as bathroom speakers! Similarly, if you mount a 35mm lens on a Micro-Four-Thirds sensor, which has a crop factor of 2x, it effectively doubles the focal length obtained to around 70mm. They do realize that all electronic items have gold in them, right? However, when an electric field is applied, each electron or hole is accelerated by the electric field. Consider the USS Macon, a helium-filled airship shown in.