U Splitu na benzinskoj postaji izgorio automobil

Na intervenciju je izašlo šest vatrogasaca s jednim vozilom. Požar su ugasili, a automobil je izgorio

Na postaji Luk Oila nedaleko Poljuda oko 18:30 zapalio se automobil tijekom točenja plina.

Na intervenciju je izašlo šest vatrogasaca s jednim vozilom. Požar su ugasili, a automobil je izgorio. Ozlijeđenih nije bilo.

U tijeku je policijski očevid.

Man is the supreme adaptor, having proven himself capable of surviving in just about any natural environment, no matter the climate, topography, and available selection of edibles — and our bedding is no different. Just as physical health First Aid and CPR training help assist a person experiencing a physical health crisis, Mental Health First Aid training helps a layperson assist someone experiencing a mental health crisis or challenge. If numbers permit, a minimum of 1 team will be offered at each grade level 3rd — 8th for both boys and girls living in Urbandale or attending the Urbandale Community School District. The album debuted at number 11 on the Billboard, with first-week sales of 21, copies in the United States. Changing your transmission fluid is essential for both components to function smoothly. You need not worry about the internal or chain dependencies of GTK2 or breaking of any other applications installed on the system. The effort could go in the direction of preventing abuse by tracking college advertising and recruitment to check for questionable claims and manipulative sales tactics. If you press on "Current Location", then the bot will run to the location where you pressed it at. By the way, in my ward, there were pretty girls also, but I wanted to get married in the temple, and at that time there was no temple in South America. Discussing terrorist fundraising, he said in Britain he could earn in a day what people in Kashmir are paid in a month. Sometimes bacteria get trapped in the adenoids, causing a chronic infection that can then pass on to the eustachian tubes and the middle ear. An electric current flowing in a wire creates a magnetic field around the wire, due to Ampere's law see drawing below. The Chinese government has vowed to restrict commercialization, banning mercantile activities within a foot radius of the wall and requiring wall-related revenue to be funneled into preservation. Het werd een ware medaille-oogst: we wonnen niet minder dan 11 gouden, 9 zilveren en 5 bronzen medailles! And remember, O Children of Israel when We made a covenant with you and caused the mount to tower above you, saying : Hold fast that which We have given you, and remember that which is therein, that ye may ward off evil. Board games Stuffed animals and dolls Books for various reading levels Puzzles Video games rated E Movies rated G Balls and outdoor games Food We want to make it easy for families to have meals and snacks without worrying about grocery shopping. Only a doctor can say what chance IVF has of success for a particular couple. In the absence of similar relations for other geologically specific locations, Wang et al. Boutique risk and intelligence consulting firm with its physical presence concentrated throughout Germany. NBC is sometimes referred to as the "Peacock Network", in reference to its stylized peacock logo, introduced in to promote the company's innovations in early color broadcasting, it became the network's official emblem in.
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