U srijedu i četvrtak bez električne energije dijelovi Splita, Solina i sinjskog područja

HEP je izvijestio da će zbog planiranih radova na postrojenjima elektroenergetske mreže biti u prekidu opskrba potrošača na sljedećim područjima:
SRIJEDA, 19.2.
Mjesto: Split-Sućidar
Ulica: Iločka 1,2,4.
Očekivano trajanje: 09:00 – 12:00
Mjesto: Solin
Ulica: Dio potrošača Zvonimirove ulice.
Očekivano trajanje: 09:00 – 11:00
Mjesto: Kosore
Ulica: Naselje. Arnaut
Očekivano trajanje: 08:30 – 12:30
Mjesto: Obrovac
Ulica: Naselja: Runje, Marendić, Zeljko
Očekivano trajanje: 08:30 – 12:30
Mjesto: Čačijin dolac, Priorica, Krč, Bili brig
Ulica: Čačijin dolac, Priorica, Krč, Bili brig
Očekivano trajanje: 08:30 – 12:30
Mjesto: Split – Brda
Ulica: Dio potrošača ulice Kopilica i Put Duja.
Očekivano trajanje: 09:00 – 12:00
U slučaju nepovoljnih vremenskih uvjeta radovi se odgađaju, a u slučaju ranijeg završetka radova očekuje se ponovno uključenje napajanja prije navedenog termina.
Join us on an adventure that's unapologetically queer, accidentally heartfelt, and dressed to slay! A stylized wonder doubling as a stirring cry against racial injustice, this film is leagues ahead of its time. Always make sure to read the comments at the bottom of each part, it may contains clues to the problem you are facing. Watch them sleep and smile as they wake no matter what time it is! Kia Motor Optima owners have reported 5 problems related to brake light switch under the exterior lighting category. The horizontal deformation of the skew wedge 7 is designed such that it slides with its sloping face 7a on the corresponding sloping face 9a of the spacer 9, in a progressive manner between the fixed points of the ends 17 and the machine center. They along with their entourage of adherents and servants of Hamon's, accompanied the King on a hunting expedition in the Wirrall Peninsula. Do not give your child drinks with caffeine or artificial sweeteners. Due to an extended period of inactivity, your session has been refreshed. When you call other computer manufacturers you often get automated systems, minimally trained people, and headaches. In his May 3, letter to Vincent, Theo praises the "Almond Blossoms, " which his brother had sent in a group of works to Paris, as "very, very beautiful. When browsing the net quite often I have discovered a web page that can be quite thought provoking such as this one. Michael continued to work toward removing his burn notice and being reinstated in the CIA. Detail of the imperial coronation mantle, drawing from. One of the prominent traits of the 20th century was the dramatic growth of technology. In addition, the General Staff of the EUDF includes an investigative section responsible for crime investigation, intelligence and counter-intelligence. I know Borgetti has lost a step but Puebla fans should be excited. This name has been used from the early 20th century onwards. YellowUSA YellowUSA has a specific set of online neighborhoods created that mix the online community with a local directory of 15 million local businesses. Get it and save on all sporting goods with our Eastbay coupon.